
class tf_keras_vis.gradcam_plus_plus.GradcamPlusPlus(model, model_modifier=None, clone=True)[source]

Bases: ModelVisualization



  • model – A keras.Model instance. When model_modifier is NOT None, this model will be cloned with keras.models.clone_model function and then will be modified by model_modifier according to needs.

  • model_modifier – A tf_keras_vis.utils.model_modifiers.ModelModifier instance, a function or a list of them. We recommend to apply tf_keras_vis.utils.model_modifiers.ReplaceToLinear to all visualizations (except tf_keras_vis.scorecam.Scorecam) when the model output is softmax. Defaults to None.

  • clone – A bool that indicates whether or not it clones the model. When False, the model won’t be cloned. Note that, although when True, the model won’t be clone if model_modifier is None. Defaults to True.

__call__(score, seed_input, penultimate_layer=None, seek_penultimate_conv_layer=True, gradient_modifier=None, activation_modifier=lambda cam: ..., training=False, expand_cam=True, normalize_cam=True, unconnected_gradients=tf.UnconnectedGradients.NONE)[source]
Generate gradient based class activation maps (CAM) by using positive gradient of

penultimate_layer with respect to score.

  • score

    A tf_keras_vis.utils.scores.Score instance, function or a list of them. For example of the Score instance to specify visualizing target:

    scores = CategoricalScore([1, 294, 413])

    The code above means the same with the one below:

    score = lambda outputs: (outputs[0][1], outputs[1][294], outputs[2][413])

    When the model has multiple outputs, you MUST pass a list of Score instances or functions. For example:

    from tf_keras_vis.utils.scores import CategoricalScore, InactiveScore
    score = [
        CategoricalScore([1, 23]),  # For 1st model output
        InactiveScore(),            # For 2nd model output

  • seed_input – A tf.Tensor, numpy.ndarray or a list of them to input in the model. That’s when the model has multiple inputs, you MUST pass a list of tensors.

  • penultimate_layer – An index or name of the layer, or the keras.layers.Layer instance itself. When None, it means the same with -1. If the layer specified by this option is not convolutional layer, penultimate_layer will work as the offset to seek convolutional layer. Defaults to None.

  • seek_penultimate_conv_layer – A bool that indicates whether or not seeks a penultimate layer when the layer specified by penultimate_layer is not convolutional layer. Defaults to True.

  • gradient_modifier – A function to modify gradients. Defaults to None.

  • activation_modifier – A function to modify the Class Activation Map (CAM). Defaults to lambda cam: keras.activations.relu(cam).

  • training – A bool that indicates whether the model’s training-mode on or off. Defaults to False.

  • expand_cam – True to resize CAM to the same as input image size. Note! When False, even if the model has multiple inputs, return only a CAM. Defaults to True.

  • normalize_cam – When True, CAM will be normalized. Defaults to True.

  • unconnected_gradients – Specifies the gradient value returned when the given input tensors are unconnected. Defaults to tf.UnconnectedGradients.NONE.


An numpy.ndarray or a list of them. They are the Class Activation Maps (CAMs) that indicate the seed_input regions whose change would most contribute the score value.


ValueError – When there is any invalid arguments.

Return type:

ndarray | list