Source code for tf_keras_vis.utils.scores

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union

import tensorflow as tf

from . import listify

[docs] class Score(ABC): """Abstract class for defining a score function. """ def __init__(self, name=None) -> None: """ Args: name: Instance name. Defaults to None. """ = name
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, output) -> Union[tf.Tensor, list, tuple]: """Implement collecting scores that are used in visualization modules. Args: output: A tf.Tensor that indicates a model output value. Raises: NotImplementedError: This method must be overwritten. Returns: Score values. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class InactiveScore(Score): """A score function that deactivate model output passed to `__call__()`. With a multiple output model, you can use this if you want a output to be excluded from targets of calculating gradients. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('InactiveScore') def __call__(self, output) -> tf.Tensor: return output * 0.0
[docs] class BinaryScore(Score): """A score function that collects the scores from model output which is for binary classification. """ def __init__(self, target_values) -> None: """ Args: target_values: A bool or a list of them. Raises: ValueError: When target_values is None or an empty list. """ super().__init__('BinaryScore') self.target_values = listify(target_values, return_empty_list_if_none=False) if None in self.target_values: raise ValueError(f"Can't accept None value. target_values: {target_values}") self.target_values = [bool(v) for v in self.target_values] if len(self.target_values) == 0: raise ValueError(f"target_values is required. target_values: {target_values}") def __call__(self, output) -> tf.Tensor: if not (output.ndim == 2 and output.shape[1] == 1): raise ValueError(f"`output` shape must be (batch_size, 1), but was {output.shape}") output = tf.reshape(output, (-1, )) target_values = self.target_values if len(target_values) == 1 and len(target_values) < output.shape[0]: target_values = target_values * output.shape[0] return (2 * tf.constant(target_values, dtype=output.dtype) - 1.0) * output
[docs] class CategoricalScore(Score): """A score function that collects the scores from model output which is for categorical classification. """ def __init__(self, indices) -> None: """ Args: indices: An integer or a list of them. Raises: ValueError: When indices is None or an empty list. """ super().__init__('CategoricalScore') self.indices = listify(indices, return_empty_list_if_none=False) if None in self.indices: raise ValueError(f"Can't accept None. indices: {indices}") if len(self.indices) == 0: raise ValueError(f"`indices` is required. indices: {indices}") def __call__(self, output) -> tf.Tensor: if output.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("`output` ndim must be 2 or more (batch_size, ..., channels), " f"but was {output.ndim}") if output.shape[-1] <= max(self.indices): raise ValueError( f"Invalid index value. indices: {self.indices}, output.shape: {output.shape}") indices = self.indices if len(indices) == 1 and len(indices) < output.shape[0]: indices = indices * output.shape[0] score = [output[i, ..., index] for i, index in enumerate(indices)] score = tf.stack(score, axis=0) score = tf.math.reduce_mean(score, axis=tuple(range(score.ndim))[1:]) return score