from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
from . import ModelVisualization
from .utils import get_num_of_steps_allowed, is_mixed_precision, listify, normalize, zoom_factor
from .utils.model_modifiers import ExtractIntermediateLayerForGradcam as ModelModifier
class Scorecam(ModelVisualization):
"""Score-CAM and Faster Score-CAM
* Score-CAM: Score-Weighted Visual Explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Faster Score-CAM (
def __call__(self,
activation_modifier=lambda cam: K.relu(cam),
normalize_cam=True) -> Union[np.ndarray, list]:
"""Generate score-weighted class activation maps (CAM) by using gradient-free
visualization method.
score: A :obj:`tf_keras_vis.utils.scores.Score` instance, function or a list of them.
For example of the Score instance to specify visualizing target::
scores = CategoricalScore([1, 294, 413])
The code above means the same with the one below::
score = lambda outputs: (outputs[0][1], outputs[1][294], outputs[2][413])
When the model has multiple outputs, you MUST pass a list of
Score instances or functions. For example::
from tf_keras_vis.utils.scores import CategoricalScore, InactiveScore
score = [
CategoricalScore([1, 23]), # For 1st model output
InactiveScore(), # For 2nd model output
seed_input: A tf.Tensor, :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or a list of them to input in the model.
That's when the model has multiple inputs, you MUST pass a list of tensors.
penultimate_layer: An index or name of the layer, or the tf.keras.layers.Layer
instance itself. When None, it means the same with `-1`. If the layer specified by
this option is not `convolutional` layer, `penultimate_layer` will work as the
offset to seek `convolutional` layer. Defaults to None.
seek_penultimate_conv_layer: A bool that indicates whether or not seeks a penultimate
layer when the layer specified by `penultimate_layer` is not `convolutional` layer.
Defaults to True.
activation_modifier: A function to modify the Class Activation Map (CAM). Defaults to
`lambda cam: K.relu(cam)`.
batch_size: The number of samples per batch. Defaults to 32.
max_N: When None or under Zero, run as ScoreCAM. When not None and over Zero of
Integer, run as Faster-ScoreCAM. Set larger number (or None), need more time to
visualize CAM but to be able to get clearer attention images. Defaults to None.
training: A bool that indicates whether the model's training-mode on or off. Defaults
to False.
expand_cam: True to resize CAM to the same as input image size. **Note!** When False,
even if the model has multiple inputs, return only a CAM. Defaults to True.
normalize_cam: When True, CAM will be normalized. Defaults to True.
unconnected_gradients: Specifies the gradient value returned when the given input
tensors are unconnected. Defaults to tf.UnconnectedGradients.NONE.
An :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or a list of them. They are the Class Activation Maps (CAMs)
that indicate the `seed_input` regions whose change would most contribute the score
:obj:`ValueError`: When there is any invalid arguments.
# Preparing
scores = self._get_scores_for_multiple_outputs(score)
seed_inputs = self._get_seed_inputs_for_multiple_inputs(seed_input)
# Processing score-cam
model = ModelModifier(penultimate_layer, seek_penultimate_conv_layer, False)(self.model)
penultimate_output = model(seed_inputs, training=training)
if is_mixed_precision(self.model):
penultimate_output = tf.cast(penultimate_output, self.model.variable_dtype)
# For efficiently visualizing, extract maps that has a large variance.
# This excellent idea is devised by tabayashi0117.
# (see for details:
if max_N is None or max_N <= 0:
max_N = get_num_of_steps_allowed(penultimate_output.shape[-1])
elif max_N > 0 and max_N <= penultimate_output.shape[-1]:
max_N = get_num_of_steps_allowed(max_N)
raise ValueError(f"max_N must be 1 or more and {penultimate_output.shape[-1]} or less."
f" max_N: {max_N}")
if max_N < penultimate_output.shape[-1]:
activation_map_std = tf.math.reduce_std(penultimate_output,
_, top_k_indices = tf.math.top_k(activation_map_std, max_N)
top_k_indices, _ = tf.unique(tf.reshape(top_k_indices, (-1, )))
penultimate_output = tf.gather(penultimate_output, top_k_indices, axis=-1)
nsamples = penultimate_output.shape[0]
channels = penultimate_output.shape[-1]
# Upsampling activations
input_shapes = [seed_input.shape for seed_input in seed_inputs]
zoom_factors = (zoom_factor(penultimate_output.shape[1:-1], input_shape[1:-1])
for input_shape in input_shapes)
zoom_factors = ((1, ) + factor + (1, ) for factor in zoom_factors)
upsampled_activations = [
zoom(penultimate_output, factor, order=1, mode='nearest') for factor in zoom_factors
activation_shapes = [activation.shape for activation in upsampled_activations]
# Normalizing activations
min_activations = (np.min(activation,
keepdims=True) for activation in upsampled_activations)
max_activations = (np.max(activation,
keepdims=True) for activation in upsampled_activations)
normalized_activations = zip(upsampled_activations, min_activations, max_activations)
normalized_activations = ((activation - _min) / (_max - _min + K.epsilon())
for activation, _min, _max in normalized_activations)
# (samples, h, w, c) -> (channels, samples, h, w, c)
input_templates = (np.tile(seed_input, (channels, ) + (1, ) * len(seed_input.shape))
for seed_input in seed_inputs)
# (samples, h, w, channels) -> (c, samples, h, w, channels)
masks = (np.tile(mask, (input_shape[-1], ) + (1, ) * len(map_shape)) for mask, input_shape,
map_shape in zip(normalized_activations, input_shapes, activation_shapes))
# (c, samples, h, w, channels) -> (channels, samples, h, w, c)
masks = (np.transpose(mask, (len(mask.shape) - 1, ) + tuple(range(len(mask.shape)))[1:-1] +
(0, )) for mask in masks)
# Create masked inputs
masked_seed_inputs = (np.multiply(input_template, mask)
for input_template, mask in zip(input_templates, masks))
# (channels, samples, h, w, c) -> (channels * samples, h, w, c)
masked_seed_inputs = [
np.reshape(seed_input, (-1, ) + seed_input.shape[2:])
for seed_input in masked_seed_inputs
# Predicting masked seed-inputs
preds = self.model.predict(masked_seed_inputs, batch_size=batch_size)
# (channels * samples, logits) -> (channels, samples, logits)
preds = (np.reshape(prediction, (channels, nsamples, prediction.shape[-1]))
for prediction in listify(preds))
# Calculating weights
weights = ([score(K.softmax(tf.constant(p))) for p in prediction]
for score, prediction in zip(scores, preds))
weights = ([self._validate_weight(s, nsamples) for s in w] for w in weights)
weights = (np.array(w, dtype=np.float32) for w in weights)
weights = (np.reshape(w, (channels, nsamples, -1)) for w in weights)
weights = (np.mean(w, axis=2) for w in weights)
weights = (np.transpose(w, (1, 0)) for w in weights)
weights = np.array(list(weights), dtype=np.float32)
weights = np.sum(weights, axis=0)
# Generate cam
cam = K.batch_dot(penultimate_output, weights)
if activation_modifier is not None:
cam = activation_modifier(cam)
if not expand_cam:
if normalize_cam:
cam = normalize(cam)
return cam
# Visualizing
zoom_factors = (zoom_factor(cam.shape, X.shape) for X in seed_inputs)
cam = [zoom(cam, factor, order=1) for factor in zoom_factors]
if normalize_cam:
cam = [normalize(x) for x in cam]
if len(self.model.inputs) == 1 and not isinstance(seed_input, list):
cam = cam[0]
return cam
def _validate_weight(self, score, nsamples):
invalid = False
if tf.is_tensor(score) or isinstance(score, np.ndarray):
invalid = (score.shape[0] != nsamples)
elif isinstance(score, (list, tuple)):
invalid = (len(score) != nsamples)
invalid = (nsamples != 1)
if invalid:
raise ValueError(
"Score function must return a Tensor, whose the first dimension is "
"the same as the first dimension of seed_input or "
", a list or tuple, whose length is the first dimension of seed_input.")
return score
ScoreCAM = Scorecam