from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
from . import ModelVisualization
from .utils import get_num_of_steps_allowed, listify, normalize
class Saliency(ModelVisualization):
"""Vanilla Saliency and Smooth-Grad
* Vanilla Saliency: Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualising Image Classification
Models and Saliency Maps (
* SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise (
def __call__(self,
gradient_modifier=lambda grads: K.abs(grads),
unconnected_gradients=tf.UnconnectedGradients.NONE) -> Union[np.ndarray, list]:
"""Generate an attention map that appears how output value changes with respect to a small
change in input image pixels.
score: A :obj:`tf_keras_vis.utils.scores.Score` instance, function or a list of them.
For example of the Score instance to specify visualizing target::
scores = CategoricalScore([1, 294, 413])
The code above means the same with the one below::
score = lambda outputs: (outputs[0][1], outputs[1][294], outputs[2][413])
When the model has multiple outputs, you MUST pass a list of
Score instances or functions. For example::
from tf_keras_vis.utils.scores import CategoricalScore, InactiveScore
score = [
CategoricalScore([1, 23]), # For 1st model output
InactiveScore(), # For 2nd model output
seed_input: A tf.Tensor, :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or a list of them to input in the model.
That's when the model has multiple inputs, you MUST pass a list of tensors.
smooth_samples (int, optional): The number of calculating gradients iterations. When
over zero, this method will work as SmoothGrad. When zero, it will work as Vanilla
Saliency. Defaults to 0.
smooth_noise: Noise level. Defaults to 0.20.
keepdims: A bool that indicates whether or not to keep the channels-dimension.
Defaults to False.
gradient_modifier: A function to modify gradients. Defaults to None.
training: A bool that indicates whether the model's training-mode on or off. Defaults
to False.
normalize_map (bool, optional): When True, saliency map will be normalized.
Defaults to True.
unconnected_gradients: Specifies the gradient value returned when the given input
tensors are unconnected. Defaults to tf.UnconnectedGradients.NONE.
An :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or a list of them.
They are the saliency maps that indicate the `seed_input` regions
whose change would most contribute the score value.
:obj:`ValueError`: When there is any invalid arguments.
# Preparing
scores = self._get_scores_for_multiple_outputs(score)
seed_inputs = self._get_seed_inputs_for_multiple_inputs(seed_input)
# Processing saliency
if smooth_samples > 0:
smooth_samples = get_num_of_steps_allowed(smooth_samples)
seed_inputs = (tf.tile(X, (smooth_samples, ) + tuple(np.ones(X.ndim - 1, np.int32)))
for X in seed_inputs)
seed_inputs = (tf.reshape(X, (smooth_samples, -1) + tuple(X.shape[1:]))
for X in seed_inputs)
seed_inputs = ((X, tuple(range(X.ndim)[2:])) for X in seed_inputs)
seed_inputs = ((X, smooth_noise * (tf.math.reduce_max(X, axis=axis, keepdims=True) -
tf.math.reduce_min(X, axis=axis, keepdims=True)))
for X, axis in seed_inputs)
seed_inputs = (X + np.random.normal(0., sigma, X.shape) for X, sigma in seed_inputs)
seed_inputs = list(seed_inputs)
total = (np.zeros_like(X[0]) for X in seed_inputs)
for i in range(smooth_samples):
grads = self._get_gradients([X[i] for X in seed_inputs], scores, gradient_modifier,
training, unconnected_gradients)
total = (total + g for total, g in zip(total, grads))
grads = [g / smooth_samples for g in total]
grads = self._get_gradients(seed_inputs, scores, gradient_modifier, training,
# Visualizing
if not keepdims:
grads = [np.max(g, axis=-1) for g in grads]
if normalize_map:
grads = [normalize(g) for g in grads]
if len(self.model.inputs) == 1 and not isinstance(seed_input, list):
grads = grads[0]
return grads
def _get_gradients(self, seed_inputs, scores, gradient_modifier, training,
with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False, persistent=True) as tape:
outputs = self.model(seed_inputs, training=training)
outputs = listify(outputs)
score_values = self._calculate_scores(outputs, scores)
grads = tape.gradient(score_values,
if gradient_modifier is not None:
grads = [gradient_modifier(g) for g in grads]
return grads